Farewell to Summer


Photography by Josie Derrick
Neve and Noor Dress, Amanda Lindroth Carafe Glasses and Linens

These cooler temps definitely have me looking forward to Fall, but I'm going to miss summer, that's for sure! Typically I would reach for sweet tea, but this past summer I loved the refreshing taste of lemonade. I've gathered a few of my favorite quick options and my favorite homemade lemonade recipe below.

If you don't have much time on your hands and would love to serve lemonade, I would definitely recommend driving through Chick Fil A. Did you know they sell Sweet Tea and Lemonade by the gallon? This is how I've been purchasing it lately! So good, so easy and we love the extra pulp, yum!

Another easy option is buying the frozen Minute Maid lemonade mix from the freezer section at the grocery store. Just add water and extra lemon if desired and again, super easy! 

If I've got some extra time on my hands and I want to make it from scratch, here's my favorite homemade lemonade recipe. 

Best Homemade Lemonade

  • 6-8 medium sized lemons to get 1.5 cups of fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cups of water
  • 0.5 cups of sugar (you can add more if you prefer your lemonade more sweet)
Lets Make Lemonade:
  • Make the simple syrup. Add 2 cups of water and sugar into saucepan and bring to a simmer. Continue stirring until all sugar is melted then remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. 
  • Juice your lemons. Be sure to strain the lemon juice to remove some of the pulp when adding to your pitcher. 
  • Add simply syrup to pitcher with lemon juice, then add more water to get to your desired taste. 
  • Chill before serving
Simple as that, the best homemade lemonade to celebrate the end of summer with. 

XOXO, Emily 


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