Summer Flowers and Next Year's Garden Plans

Summer Flowers and Next Year's Garden Plans

Photography by Josie Derrick
Dress from Hill House, Dolce Vita Mules (similar here)

I grew up surrounded by flowers so it only makes sense for me to love them. Each season, my Mom would change out her flower pots on the front porch and her flower beds were always filled with blooming buds. I will always remember how her favorite flowers, hydrangeas, lined the side of our home. My MerMer, who passed away eight years ago, also had the most beautiful gardens. All summer, her flower beds would be filled with blooming florals and she was known for creating the most beautiful arrangements. 

When we closed on our new home, I couldn't wait to begin planning my gardens, but I knew our plans would have to wait until 2021, because we moved during the summer. This means I've got plenty of time to plan what we'll do next Spring!

What we will be planting next Spring

  • Peonies - these are my absolute favorite! So much so, I had them included in my wedding bouquet! Since we got married in January, I'm not sure where our amazing florist sourced them from, but knowing how special they were to me, he made sure I had them. My MerMer had an entire flower bed full of them and I can't wait to them lining the side of our home. 
  • Hydrangeas - they remind me of home and I just love how fluffy they are. I typically pick up a few bunches during my weekly grocery run. 
  • Roses - it wasn't until recently that I learned how many types of roses there were. The more I learned about them, the more I grew to love them. The seasons are longer which means more fresh bouquets inside our home!
  • Confederate Jasmine - if you've ever been to Charleston in the Spring, that sweet smell that fills the air is from this plant. It lines the fences and brick walls with small white blooms and it just smells so good!
  • Gardenias - this is another lovely smelling flower. Again, this reminds me of my MerMer's House, because it always smelled like gardenias. I'm thinking about getting two of these bushes to put on our front porch so I can smell them as I walk out our front door each day. 
  • Zinnias - these are the flowers of summer that just keep giving. I've heard so many people say, these are the easiest flowers to grow! I love that you can cut the blooms and they will continue to grow back until Fall. Their bright colors just make me so happy, so these will definitely find a place in our yard next year!
What are your favorite flowers blooming in your garden? 

XOXO, Emily

Read more about how I make our floral arrangements here

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