Our Wedding Favors

 Photography by Lauren Fair

When thinking of our wedding favors, I wanted to provide something meaningful and that felt like "us". Sure it could have been just as easy to offer a small box of little candies, but that didn't excite me. I remember brainstorming about what we could offer and I knew that I definitely wanted to offer something homemade. That led us to our first favor.

Homemade Peach Jam

This peach jam was made by my Mom, from fresh peaches that came from my Grandma's orchard. Originally we had planned to make grape jelly, as that has always been my favorite, but my Grandma had more peaches than she knew what to do with the summer of 2019! I remember going to pick them and the limbs were sagging because of the extra weight! There's nothing like fresh peaches right off the tree. 

I've been spoiled growing up because my Grandma has always had an amazing garden and orchard. She grows just about every vegetable that you can think of and when we visit, most of the vegetables we eat were harvested from her garden. So it was very special to offer this as one of our wedding favors. Some of our guests loved it so much, we actually mailed them extra jars!

A Charleston Ornament

The second favor that we had for our guests was an ornament with that beautiful watercolor of Rainbow Row. Every big trip Cole and I take, we find a fun ornament to remember it by. Since our guests were traveling in for our big day, we wanted to do the same for them. It was so fun seeing my friends share pictures of our ornament on their tree this past holiday season, and it was extra special to have one hanging on our own tree. 

If you're planning your big day, there are so many options when it comes to wedding favors! What I loved most about ours was that they really felt like us. We were able to share our tradition of collecting ornaments and the most delicious peach jam!

How We Decided on our Wedding Venue Here

Picking my Wedding Dress Here

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